






Word of the Day: English

itinerary (noun)

The planned route of a traveller or somebody on holiday.

Mot du jour: Francais

Immobile (adj.)

Qui ne bouge pas

Wort des Tages: Deutsch

mürrisch sein (Verb)

Schlechte Laune haben

Expat life in Düsseldorf - the best sources to get started

Düsseldorf is a beautiful, virbrant city recently declared one of the best cities for international expats to live in. You can find tons of museums, green spaces, restaurants and cultural events. Nevertheless, every beginning is difficult. German bureacracy, the German language and German mentality can be challenging, and everybody needs a little help now and then. We have compiled a list of the best resources to help you settle down in Düsseldorf and enjoy your expat life.

Düsseldorfer Altstadt mit Sicht auf den Rhein

Life in Düsseldorf - Jenna Davis

Jenna's blog Life in Düsseldorf launched in 2015 and has since developed into the single most important resource for expats. From strawberry picking to guides for each quarter - Life in Düsseldorf has it all. The site is packed with useful information, funny anecdotes and step-by-step explanations of classic challenges in Germany; whether that may be finding the right tax advisor and setting up your own business. Another great feature of the blog is that the expat community is really a part of the mosaic - almost every article is written by another member of the community to ensure that the information is really the best you can get.

If you want a smooth start in Düsseldorf we really recommend Jenna's blog - it's fun, packed with extremely useful information and embedded in a smooth design. What else can you wish for? Check it out here

The Expat Desk

The city of Düsseldorf has really changed its ways in the past few years - the city council realised that the provision of support to expats is key to success. The Expat Desk aims to provide useful information and consultation for both professionals and their families moving here as well as for international companies thinking of doing business in the city. Their specialities are German law, schooling and formalities about living here.

Get in touch with them here .

Amazing Dusseldorf

Amazing Dusseldorf is another blog for international life in Düsseldorf. Published as a guide for international life in the city, it focuses on three main aspects: things to do, expat life and the location. The site is packed with useful articles about living in the city, social life and memorable events.

If you want to find out more about Düsseldorf, check out Amazing Dusseldorf!

Düsseldorf Now

Düsseldorf Now is a bilingual blog about everything that is happening in and around Düsseldorf. It offers reviews and monthly schedules in both German and English and is a good source to see what's going on in your city. The focus is less on getting started and more on social aspects of the city.

If you want to keep busy in Düsseldorf check out Düsseldorf Now!